
ENA supports mandating EV smart chargers
News | 28 Sep, 2022

ENA supports the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority’s proposal to require all residential electric vehicle (EV) chargers sold in New Zealand to have ‘smart’ capabilities. 

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Modelling will show household energy spend in 2035
News | 28 Sep, 2022

ENA has commissioned an economic model of what New Zealand consumers are likely to be spending on energy by 2035 to show the benefits of electrification.

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International Energy Agency reviewing New Zealand
News | 08 Aug, 2022

The International Energy Agency (IEA) returns to our shores this year for the first time since 2017.

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Innovation happening across the sector
News | 04 Aug, 2022

One of the keys to unlocking a low-carbon and customer-centric future is innovation.

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Megan Woods urges a ‘joined up’ energy sector approach to decarbonisation
News | 25 Jul, 2022

Speaking at an ENA forum recently, energy and resources minister Megan Woods urged a collective approach across the energy sector to achieve decarbonisation goals.

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Northland solar taking off
News | 20 Jul, 2022

Solar uptake is on the rise in Northland with both Top Energy and Northpower registering solid growth in solar connections over the past two years. 

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Network transformation site launched
News | 18 Jul, 2022

ENA’s new mini-website aimed at providing information around network transformation was launched in July.

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Consumers prefer effective outage communications as measure of EDB performance
News | 17 Jul, 2022

Measures around outage communications were the preferred tools to judge EDB performance according to ENA’s latest consumer reference panel meeting.

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Sector needs more responsive regulatory regime, ENA says
News | 11 Jul, 2022

ENA has told the Commerce Commission that responding to climate change is not optional for electricity lines companies and that the sector needs a more responsive regulatory regime to deal with the challenges of electrification.

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Managing the impact of EV charging on grid demand
News | 30 Jun, 2022

ENA is proposing changes to regulatory settings that would make it a requirement that local lines companies are notified of any new electric vehicle charger installations in homes.

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