
Consulting with consumers
News | 23 Nov, 2020

ENA’s consumer reference panel met recently, comprising a diverse group of sixteen consumer stakeholder representatives including Federated Farmers, the Property Investors’ Association, Fincap, Age Concern New Zealand, Multi-Cultural New Zealand and the Citizens' Advice Bureau.

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Tree trimming awareness campaign reaches millions image
Tree trimming awareness campaign reaches millions
News | 25 Aug, 2020

There were nearly six million views across various online platforms of ENA’s recent online tree trimming advertising campaign.

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Keeping the lights on during the pandemic
News | 30 Jun, 2020

The pandemic response plans in place and long practiced by electricity lines companies around the country meant lines companies have been well able to ‘weather the storm’ of the pandemic and keep New Zealand’s lights on.

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Lines charge reductions don't make their way to consumers' pockets
News | 26 Jun, 2020

The Electricity Networks Association is calling on the Electricity Authority to bring forward its investigation into whether lines charge reductions have been passed to consumers – because clearly they haven’t.

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Electricity distributors warn against intervention in competitive market
News | 06 May, 2020

New Zealand’s 27 lines companies are sympathetic to the potential financial pain of their retailer partners as they are faced with the downstream challenges created by Covid-19 business lockdown.

But not at the expense of their own businesses’ viability.

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Why the Low Fixed Charge regulations should be removed
News | 29 Mar, 2020

Some households are paying more for a connection to the electricity grid than other households. Households who use more power are, in effect, cross-subsidising households that use less power.

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National's commitment to abolish low fixed charge welcomed
News | 09 Mar, 2020

The National Party’s decision to remove the low fixed charge regulations for electricity consumption in its first 100 days if elected has been welcomed by the electricity retailers and electricity networks associations.

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Push to give lines maintenance vehicles priority status
News | 24 Feb, 2020

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown (National) has drafted a private members’ bill to allow lines company vehicles to use flashing lights, requiring traffic to give them priority when responding to electrical emergencies.

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Answering the Climate Change Minister's electric vehicle challenge
News | 24 Feb, 2020

Greens co-leader and Minister for Climate Change, James Shaw, met with the ENA and one of his parting questions was around lines networks' capability to cope with the possibility of a rapidly accelerating uptake of electric vehicles.

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Latest ENA consumer reference panel tackles pricing reform
News | 22 Nov, 2019

ENA’s third consumer reference panel was held in Wellington recently, and following the Electricity Price Review’s release, was able to focus meaningfully on price reform proposals.

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