Our newsletter

We have a monthly newsletter called Network News. It's for lines companies and anyone in the wider energy sector who is interested in electricity distribution. 


If you're keen to hear the latest from ENA sign up here: Network News sign up form 


Recent newsletters 

August 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai
  • Congrats to the Energy Awards winners
  • Granny flat rules may exacerbate an ongoing issue
  • New consumer care obligations
  • Future Network Forum progress
  • Innovation allowance in design
  • Gaining consumer insights

July 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai
  • DPP4 – the final words are in!
  • Changes to tree regulations
  • Powerco secures its first green loan
  • Recordings from the innovation forum
  • The price for the distribution sector to work in the road corridor
  • Govt's critical infrastructure resilience programme is imminent 
  • Consumer data rights
  • Engagement with KiwiRail 

June 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai
  • Standardised emergency reporting to enhance resilience 
  • Govt consulting on workplace health and safety regulations
  • Finalists named for energy awards
  • Mana Wāhine — take part  
  • New electricity demand and generation scenarios
  • Innovation Forum — registration open for EDBs

May 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai — including DPP4
  • Changes to tree regulation
  • Distribution pricing next steps
  • NZ Energy Excellence Awards
  • Safety campaign assets for EDBs
  • Innovation Forum — registration open for EDBs

April 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai
  • Gillian Blythe joins the ENA Board
  • A glossary for our many, many, acronyms
  • Connections journey mapping
  • Aligning EDB roles and functions to enable distributed flexibility  
  • EDBs outperform the utility sector on productivity 
  • ComCom misses financeability mark  
  • Electrifying Aotearoa: The consumer perspective 
  • NZ Energy Excellence Awards – entries open 
  • Reducing energy hardship conference
  • SwitchDin working with SAPN

March 2024

This edition includes:

  • A note from ENA CE, Tracey Kai
  • New national connections map
  • Study tour to Adelaide
  • The progress from the Future Network Forum (including projects about flexibility services; aligning EDB solutions and also roles and functions; aligning the customer experience for large connections; and customer segmentation)
  • Brand new 'Electric Homes' report