
Long history of collaboration in electricity distribution sector
News | 19 Jul, 2021

With ENA hosting its first joint CEO and chair forum, bringing local EDB board chairs into the discussion of current sector issues, ENA chief executive Graeme Peters delved into the history of collaboration in the sector stretching back to the 1920s.

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Taking the lead on new ways to generate and distribute electricity
News | 12 Jul, 2021

The way electricity is generated and delivered to consumers is changing to embrace more off-grid options.

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Getting ready for electrification
News | 14 Apr, 2021

Electricity networks are preparing for much greater use of electricity to meet ambitious climate goals, says Graeme Peters, chief executive of the Electricity Networks Association (ENA).

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Improving visibility helps networks prepare for megashifts in electricity
News | 15 Mar, 2021

Lines companies’ readiness to meet the technological challenges of electrification will be greatly enhanced by improved ability to monitor the performance of their low-voltage networks.

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Preparing for the climate challenge
News | 08 Mar, 2021

ENA has reviewed its structure so that it continues to deliver value to members and engages positively with stakeholders.

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Making sure the consumer voice is heard
News | 05 Mar, 2021

Businesses know that quality feedback from their customers is precious, but it’s not always easy to come by. Never more so than when the customer is buying something they’d prefer not to think about.

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ENA to become a nominal shareholder in Are Ake
News | 25 Feb, 2021

The ENA board has agreed to become a shareholder in Taranaki-based Are Ake – previously known as the National New Energy Development Centre – conditional on a review of the shareholder agreement.

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ENA responds to Climate Change Commission report
News | 02 Feb, 2021

The ENA has welcomed the draft report from the Climate Change Commission setting out its pathway for New Zealand to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

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Encouraging consumers to shop around
News | 18 Dec, 2020

Many lines companies are frustrated that reductions in lines charges mandated by the Commerce Commission are not being passed on to consumers.

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Six members in box seat for excellence awards
News | 18 Dec, 2020

Six ENA members are finalists in the annual New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards.

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